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Useful PDF's

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This page provides a link to a few PDF's we've managed to put together. They're full of useful info on business and suchlike. Feel free to download them as required, and share them amongst your friends, they're bound to increase your popularity. Honest.

Invoice. For use on the Assignment. Print it out, do a bit of research, then hand the completed thing in with your shots on the day.

Basic Business Studies for Photographers. It's the collected version of these posts on Photosmudger. Lots of very fundamental business stuff, from invoicing to tax and many points in between.

How to Make the Best Use of Your Time at College. How I concluded my talks on the 2008-9 Roadshow, a few suggestions of how you can improve your chances of getting a job once you leave college.

Basic Break Even Spreadsheet. As mentioned in my talk last year, and in the Basic Business Studies above. Download and add your own figures. It's pretty simple stuff, but gives you a good starting point. To gather your own figures simply get your bank and credit card statements, bills and receipts together and put all the monthly figures into the boxes. The amazing spreadsheet will do the rest, and show you how much money you need to make every month just to stay alive! It should open in Microsoft Office and Open Office - although I'd recommend the latter as it's much lighter and works on any system!

Model Release form. For general use, and something you should get in the habit of using on people shoots to make sure you're covered. It's pretty much the same as the one I use, but with my details taken off.

There should be more to follow, as soon as I get round to writing them!


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