Post-Roadshow Report Card - London Strobist Group
- Student Turnout (well, sort of students) - 8/10. Despite chipping in cash there was still half a dozen or so people who didn't show up, but the others made up for it.
- Number of questions asked - 8/10. Better than most colleges, and very technical free questions too, mainly focused on business, copyright, making money and so on. All good to hear.
- Amount of Nudity - 0/10. Thank god for that frankly. After what happened last weekend I got slightly apprehensive about what Paulo would hand in for the assignment.
- Quality of Tea and Cakes - 2/10 and 10/10 respectively. The Tea and Coffee is free at Calumet, so no complaints there, it's just a bit rank, unfortunately. More than made up for by Paulo (Teacher's pet) bringing Indian and Turkish sweets with him. Blimey they were sweet. My teeth still ache slightly now, and I can feel diabetes developing.
- Ability to handle the assignment - 7/10. Pretty good overall, though some work needed on clarification on the invoice - leaving bits blank won't get you much money! On the technical side though, you lot would put many colleges to shame.
- Amount of shoe shopping done by the group on the day - 8/10. The West End must have thought the Sex and the City Girls were in town, although I don't think you could mistake Rams for Sarah Jessica Parker.
Sunday, February 07, 2010 | 9 Comments
The Roadshow Rumbles on....
Happy New Year, and so on and so forth. Hope everyone had a pleasant christmas, new year and all that. Mine was tops thanks for asking.
Despite only winding up the tour proper at the end of November, I've been asked to add another (sort of) date already. So, on Saturday the 6th of February, at Calumet's Drummond St Branch, I'll be giving a talk and setting assignments to the London Strobist Group.
It'll be similar to other roadshow dates in format, although I'm mixing the talk up at their request, to include stuff from 2008 as well as 2009. I'll be joined by Emma Taylor from Vue again, to help with critiquing both the assignment and anyone who wants their portfolio looking at. Nikon will be along as well, in their usual "quietly standing at the back and offering advice where needed" role. I'm expecting great things on a technical level from the group, as I know their standard of work is pretty high, but I'm very interested to see how they'll respond to a brief, as I suspect many of them will think technical first, and commercial application second. Plus, of course, as hundreds of students across the country now know, there's the invoice to deal with too......
If you want to get involved, I'm pretty sure you'll have to join the London Strobist Group, and you'll also have to donate £10 to the Street Football league to secure your place. I'm loving this bit, by the way - I've donated via just giving before, but never raised money myself, and it's curiously addictive watching the total creep up.
Looking forward to it already, and I suppose I'd better get working on putting the talk together!
Read more on "The Roadshow Rumbles on...."!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010 | 0 Comments