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2008-2009 Assignments Analysed - 3

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The third in the series of post-mortems from the 2008 assignments.

3. A Business Publication – The Economalist

The Brief

The magazine is running an article by eminent economist Will Hutton on the role of ethics in the modern business environment. The general thrust of the piece is that ethics and morals can no longer be avoided by any business in today’s increasingly transparent working environment. The magazine were hoping to secure some time with Mr Hutton to get a portrait shot, but that hasn’t worked out, and frankly they’ll take anything you can give them to illustrate the article – portrait, still life, documentary, landscape – as long as it fits the story they’ll be happy.


"...we thought the mere mention of the word "business" would have people running for cover!"

This brief was surprisingly popular, as we thought the mere mention of the word "business" would have people running for cover! Although the possible approaches to the brief are almost limitless, and we encouraged as much variety as possible, the key thing is the phrase "illustrate the article". The article is described earlier in the brief, and it's here that most people fell down!

Successful Entries:

"...the crux of this brief was to get the editorial angle across"

People who took the central idea of business and ethics and worked with it. We especially liked people who shot things like dirty handshakes, dodgy geezers in front of wind farms, and documents being swept under the carpet. The crux of this brief was to get the editorial angle across. Your actual approach, be it portrait, environmental shots or whatever, was less important than the story you told with the images.

Not So Successful Entries:

People who missed the editorial point, and just took record shots, or on a couple of occasions, shots which we had a very hard time reconciling with the brief at all. By far the most common approach to this brief seemed to be to wander into the high street and take a few shots of some shops. Besides the fact that most of these shots were usually very bland on a technical level, they don't say the first thing about "ethics and morals in the today's business environment".

Other briefs: 1. Nearly New Musical Express; 2. The Day Before Monday Magazine; 3. The Economalist; 4. The Timely Educational Supplement; 5. The Draping Journal.


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