2008-2009 Assignments Analysed - 4
Another analysis of the 2008 briefs attempted by students on the roadshow.
4.An Education publication – The Timely Education Supplement
The Brief
The cover article of this weeks issue is titled “Has the computer replaced the teacher in the classroom?” – the cover image has been sourced from a stock library, and the accompanying shots were due to be shot at a local comprehensive this afternoon, but that’s obviously fallen through. They are open to ideas as to how best to fill their pages – it doesn’t even have to be in an educational environment if you can provide something creative enough. They’ll be just as happy with some people shots, as they will with some still-lives, all that matters is they get something to fill the blank spots in their layout with.
Successful Entries:
People who produced good quality, involved responses to the question. We saw some great work of sparse, empty classrooms, eerily lit by computer screens, and some clever still life work with apples and computer screens.
There were also some good attempts made using some of the interiors found in colleges - things like frosted glass and isotype signs, though these were often slightly sloppily executed.
Not So Successful Entries:
Shots that tried to hard to establish some sort of conflict between people and computers. There were a few attempts along these lines, and although the ideas came across fairly well, they were usually shot very badly and the execution ended up detracting from the message.
Other Briefs: 1. Nearly New Musical Express; 2. The Day Before Monday Magazine; 3. The Economalist; 4. The Timely Educational Supplement; 5. The Draping Journal.
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