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Post-Roadshow Report Card - Aberdeen College


Aberdeen College - they're all paying attention to David, not me.

Up to the far north and Aberdeen yesterday, which was a new experience for me, despite having distant family up there. Some very good attempts at the assignment, including a couple of people who had actually read the blog beforehand! I was stunned I can tell you.
  • Student Turnout - 8/10. Pretty good numbers, although maybe helped by the fact it was raining and we were indoors in the warm.
  • Number of questions asked - 6/10. A few good questions, proof that I didn't cover everything in the talk.
  • Quality of tea and cakes - 8/10. Actually, make that scones, although I've still got one of the vouchers I was given for the staff canteen.
  • Inconvenience caused by having to change venues several times and making up the goodie bags out in the corridor - 8/10. That were a bit annoying, I don't mind admitting.
  • Ability to handle the assignment - 7/10. Pretty good, with only a few people who got the wrong end of the stick or messed up the paperwork.
  • Number of local papers that turned up - 10/10. Blimey. I'm famous. And I'm not a fan of being in front of the camera, but I already knew that!
Just on my way back from Edinburgh now, and may get time to write their report card too, or may succumb to my exhaustion and doze off! Next stop Lincoln.


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